South Pacific Today

What themes in South Pacific still resonate in 2020, and how do you continue to elevate those themes?


Listen to NPR’s: In Revival, ‘South Pacific’ Still Has Lessons to Teach

South Pacific 2008.jpg

south_pacific 2008.jpg

Critic, Frank Rich, about the 2008 Revival of South Pacific:

“The show’s racial conflicts are also startlingly alive. Nellie Forbush, far from her hometown of Little Rock, recoils from de Becque when she learns that he fathered two children by a Polynesian woman. In the original script, Nellie denigrates de Becque’s late wife as “colored.” (Michener gave Nellie a more incendiary word in his book.) “Colored” was cut in rehearsals then but has been restored now, and it lands like a brick in the theater. It’s not only upsetting in itself. It’s upsetting because Nellie isn’t some cracker stereotype - she’s lovable (especially as embodied by the actress Kelli O’Hara). But how can we love a racist? And how can she not love Emile’s young mixed-race children?”

- New York Times: Memorial Day at ‘South Pacific’ - Frank Rich



Watch the Tony Performance in 2008:

RnH Goes Pop:

Two reinterpretations of South Pacific’s songs


“Younger Than Springtime”

Experience Rodgers & Hammerstein like never before! Contemporary twists on timeless classics, R&H GOES POP! is an unforgettable celebration of 75 years of Broadway’s most influential collaborators. Join your favorite Broadway stars as they put their own spin on the Rodgers & Hammerstein songbook.


“This Nearly Was Mine”

R&H GOES POP! - "This Nearly Was Mine” Artist: Ryan McCartan Hosted by Laura Osnes Music Direction and Arrangements by Alan Schmuckler Directed and Shot by Jeff Barry and Shawn Willis, Notice Pictures

 Take Test #3: Unit 3 - South Pacific

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Watch the 1959 film version of South Pacific


Women & People of Color